코람 법무사
Legal Document Assistance | Paralegal Services | Free Case Review
Let us help you with your legal documents. We offer high-quality, accurate, and affordable legal document preparation. A Professional Services is your source for fast and affordable paralegal services in the Los Angeles. We will help you with all your legal matters.
공증 아포스티유 거소증 공증 번역및공증 위임장 부동산등기 이혼 이름변경 개인파산 유언장 리빙트러스트 시민권신청 부모초청시민권 투자이민 크레딧교정 회사설립 법원차압명령 상가퇴거명령 법무사
Phone : 213-800-2900
Location : 936 Crenshaw Blvd 200A Los Angeles CA90019
Koram Legal Group
Established in 2024.
Our registered Legal Document Assistants save you time and money by preparing legal documents quickly and accurately without the high cost of a lawyer. Koram Paralegal serves all of California and has helped thousands of people with their legal document needs. We are not attorneys...you make the decisions and we do the paperwork based on your choices and direction. Our objective is to provide you with the finest, most accurate document preparation at a reasonable price. It's your choice, your money, your decision.
Easy & Fast Application Process
We offer our services throughout Los Angeles County, California

Client communication
Interview clients and witnesses, and maintain general contact with clients.

Document preparation
Paralegals draft and analyze legal documents, as contracts, motions, and discovery requests.

Document filing
File exhibits, briefs, appeals, and other legal documents with the appropriate court.

크레딧카드 빚 청산
크레딧카드 회사와의 딜
Make Your Credit Great Again
Regardless of the reason your credit score has suffered, you can rebuild your credit by addressing issues in your credit reports and developing good credit habits. Rebuilding credit isn’t an immediate process, but careful, disciplined progress over time will help.

Meet Our Team
Expert are always helping you

Molly Kim

Harry Lee
Real Estate Agent, Paralegal
Notary Public

Joseph. S
코람법무사, legal Document Assistant 는 변호사가 아님으로 법적인 자문을 드리지 않습니다

Happy Clients
Case Completed
We're always ahead. Professional solutions for your business.
Ask Us Anything. Anytime.

936 Crenshaw Blvd 200A
Los Angeles, CA 90019